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Quarantine the creator (full album stream)

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Jaggy fox and Refuge present: Quarantine the creator


The sirens grew louder as Icarus ran through the fields of Aventine towards the descending sun that dimly lit Arailia 7. Their demands – β€œHalt all movement; this is the Fraternal Order of Discipline; immediately inhibit progress” – and the clanking sounds of the mechanical companions descended upon him from all directions. He fell to his knees as the blazing lights of the authorities blinded his vision. His hands tied behind him, and the growls of the companions ensuring he walked in a straight line, he began repeating a monologue he had barely considered since he was forced to recite it in the institutions as a child:

This is the best account we have of the world we live in. It has been our undeniable experience that there is a logic or intelligence that exceeds our individual lives. It has been clear to us that things happen because of an organizing force that ties together what otherwise seem to be diverse lives and activities. Although we cannot recall all of the times that we have noticed this, we do know that things happen according to a complexity that can only be fully explained through belief in a supreme creator. We, the people of Arailia 7, thusly commit our lives to the search for this creator and pledge our loyalty to the prophecies of our elders who attest to its continued presence in the universe.

Track list:

1. Cosmic viscera 0:00

2. Requiem for traveler 356 2:05

3. Deafening of the trumpets 6:24

4. No one asks 9:22

5. Space-trash 11:26

6. Cosmicity 14:44

7. Digital convocation 17:53

8. Millennia of fools 18:57

9. Quarantine the creator 22:18

10. People's resolution 26:23

11. Time served 30:39

12. Learn to love my mistakes 34:06

The players: Adam Baker, Josh Ewalt, Nick Brown, and Eric Chapman

Released: July 13, 2020

Recorded @ JagBag Studio Lexington, KY

Photo credit:

Title image: NASA Hubble telescope (this image has been altered):

Tracklist image: NASA Hubble telescope (this image has been altered):,_as_Seen_by_Herschel_and_Hubble.jpg

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