Power Metal band with strong Symphonic leanings. Highlord, centred upon key players guitarist Stefano Droetto and keyboard player Alessandro Muscio, began life in Turin, Piedmont as Avatar during 1997. Later inductees to the cause would be drummer Fabio Savello, bassist Enrico Grande and vocalist Roberto Messina, the latter also doubling frontman duties with Secret Sphere. However, within months Grande had bailed out and Diego De Vita took the position for the inaugural 'Avatar' demo.
The tape prompted a deal with the Underground Symphony label and set to work on a debut album in 1998. Changes were afoot though and not only would the band switch titles from Avatar to Highlord but also substitute Messina for a fresh frontman Vasc?. In the midst of these tribulations the label and group also severed ties.
The Northwind Records label took the band in and switching studios to Torino's Musical Box facility the debut album 'Heir Of Power' was eventually laid down. Although the band readily acknowledged a below par production this initial Symphonic Speed Metal outing fared well and provided the catalyst for a string of gigs across Italy alongside acts such as Domine, Skylark and Secret Sphere. After this round of live activity Savella decamped in May of 2000, ending up with Black Metal band Ghoul. He would be replaced by Luca Pellegrino.
Japanese versions of Highlord's July 2001 opus 'When The Aurora Falls...' would see the addition of two bonus tracks namely 'The Eclipse' and 'Will Of A King'. Extra exposure to the album would be garnered when tracks were set for inclusion on the soundtrack to two horror movies 'The Werewolf Chronicles' and 'Blood Of The Werewolf'.
Vasc? decamped in 2001, Highlord drafting Desdemona vocalist Andrea Marchisio for recording of a third album, 'Medusa's Coil', cut at New Sin Studios and scheduled for May 2004 release through Arise Records. Japanese variants added the customary extra track, 'Tough Boy', along with a karoake version of the same. The band donated their version of 'Against The Wind' to the Steelborn Records collated Stratovarius tribute album in 2004, entitled 'Within Infinity - Tribute to Stratovarius'.
Together with the Attitude and Ivory credited guitarist Salvatore Vecchio and keyboard player Simone Damiani, and bassist Luca Bernazzi of Ivory and Meridian repute, Vasc? fronted Progressive Rock act Ecliptica, releasing the demo 'Light Of The Unknown' in 2004.
Highlord's fifth album, entitled 'Instant Madness' and produced by Labyrinth's Mat Stancioiu, would be set for April 2006 release in Japan via Soundholic Ltd, these versions including bonus track 'Cha La Head Cha La'. Mythic Silence Records took the album on for USA license in June.
The group re-entered New Sin Studios on 12th May 2009 to cut fresh album tracks for 'The Death Of The Artists'. Bonus tracks included the cover versions of Billy Idol's 'Rebel Yell', Vow Wow's 'Shot In The Dark' and 'Against The Wind' originally by Stratovarius.