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Disturbed Cats That Are Down With The Sickness 🐈🤘

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1st Cat Video

Thanks to all that liked and commented!

Thank you to Disturbed. This is so much more than just a cat video. Disturbed's music has help me through some tough times in the past. Also the work they do for mental health awareness!

If Metallica or Linkin Park where never around Disturbed would be my alltime favourite band. 😏😊🤘 Well, I'm not going to lie... I've just liked them longer.

Thanks also to Storky the Cat for his solos. 🐈🤘 And all other cats in the video. 👍 Special mention To Wilfred (The not so cute one) 🐱

No cats where harmed in the making of this video although some feelings where I'm sure. 🐈

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