Today' s video features two very contrasting French versions of the Zarah Leander song \"Ich will nicht vergessen\" (Lit. I do not want to forget) from the 1941 movie \"Der Weg ins Freie\" (The Road to Freedom). After the disappointments of \"Das Lied der Wüste\" and \"Das Herz der Königin\" Zartah Leander requested a new director and was given the talented Rolf Hansen - who was director Carl Froelich's assistent. He went on to direct Leander in three successful consecutive movies of which \"Der Weg ins Freie\" was the first. Theo Mackeben wrote the score of this melodrama which was set in the middle of 19th century. Zarah Leander recorded \"Ich will nicht vergessen\" and \"Ich sag nicht 'Ja' - Ich sag nicht 'Nein' \" for Odeon (12 Inch record).
\"Der Weg ins Freie\" premiered in Paris on 01/02/1942 in Paris as \"Le Chemin de la Liberté\". As per usual Zarah Leander dubbed her songs in French herself with the dialogue being dubbed by a French actress. \"Ich will nicht vergessen\" became \"Jamais ne s'oublient\" (in the dubbed version Leander sings \"Jamais ne périssent\") and several versions of the song were recorded by French artists. The best known Fench version today is probably the one by Lucienne Delyle which remained unreleased at the time.
The first version in the video was recorded by Boris Sarbek (ca. 1897-1966) and his orchestra and is very interesting bluesy take on the song - melancholic and sensual with a very nice solo. Both my copies are in pretty worn out condition and are noisy wartime pressings.
The second version is true to the original and was recorded by the actress and singer Lynda Myren. This record is a true rarity as not much is known about Myren. She appeared alongside Charles Trenet in \"Je Chante\" (1938) and performed on stage. I do not know any other records by Lynda Myren. According to available sheet music she recorded a French version of \"Nur nicht aus Liebe weinen\" for Odeon but I have never seen or heard the record. She is not the greatest singer but her recording does benefit from the beautiful orchestration by Jacques Météhen.
Other versions of \"Jamais ne s'oublient\" were recorded by Yane Granier on Polydor (available on YouTube, my copy is barely playable) and by a piano swing combo for Pathé (PA 2072).
Other German versions can be found in my channel :