Olavi Mikkonen
Jocke Wallgren
Ted Lundstrm
Johan Sderberg
Johan Hegg
YOU, our fans
Produced By: FOG Productions GmbH & Eat The Beat Music
Final Release Edited by: Denise Korycki for Wild Wind Productions
Project Management By: Florian Dietze & Chris Klimek
Directed By: Jrg Maas
Vision Mix By: Michael Kraft
Set Manager: Thomas Jolich
Camera: Martin Meyer, Natascha Nlle, Guido Aras, Dierk Fechner, Carsten Gierke, Alexander Schn, Ralf Lenzen, Katharina Maas
Video Recorded By: 0221 Mediagroup GmbH/ Sebastian Scholz
Audio Recorded By: Thomas Odenthal
Live Stream Video Edit By: Katharina Maas
Set Design: Gallagher Staging & Productions
Set Photographer: Daniel Barnes
Production Manager: Steve Shaw
Stage Manager: James McMahon
Lighting Designer: Martin Mller
Live Audio Engineer: Weston Blaha
With special thanks to The Sony Team; Benjamin Voss, Kerstin Eberherr, Mathias Bluehdorn, Tine Fassomytakis, Raffaela Wagner, Paris Zinner, 5B Artist Management; Justin Arcangel, Jenny Douglas, Mario Rubio, Stephen Reeder, Underberg, Dr. Hubertine Underberg-Ruder, Susanne Styma, Team Metal Blade; Brian Slagel, Tracy Vera, Heidi Weaver.
Filmed on location in Oberhausen, Germany at Knig Pilsner Arena December 14th, 2019 on the Berserker European Headline Tour
Regin forges more than swords and blades
In his smithy schemes and plans are made
There is vengeance to be claimed
To this cause his fate is chained
But he needed someone strong and brave
And for the price of horse and blade
He found a hero who would do the deed
To make his brother, Fafner, bleed
In search of
Fafners gold
A dragons tale
Hell run his sword
Through his scales
Fafners gold
A dragons tale
Treachery unfolds
Deceit unveiled
There is a dragons treasure to be claimed
To its curse Regins fate is chained
He sent his hero on this baleful ride
With the sword Gram at his side
Heading out on the Gnita plains
A wasteland where desolation reigns
In search of
Fafners gold
A dragons tale
Hell run his sword
Through his scales
Fafners gold
A dragons tale
Treachery unfolds
Deceit unveiled
Gram stung him well
The dragon fell
Regin said
Fry its heart
Tasting dragons blood
He now understood
All of Regins collusive plans
Then he made Gram bite him well
And Regin fell as well
To Andvares malicious curse
In search of Fafners Gold
A dragons tale
Treachery unfolds
Deceit unveiled
In search of
Fafners gold
A dragons tale
He ran his sword
Through his scales
Fafners gold
A dragons tale
Treachery unfolds
Deceit unveiled