Message from me, the uploader;
I uploaded this song back with a VLC recorder in the year 2012. When I uploaded it, the system didn't block it, and it went online. I loved the song because it was so catchy. Yes, lol I was a small teenager too at the time. Now I'm a young college student. Looking back, this video has inspired me quite a bit, watching the view counter just rise year, after year, after year. Hitting each milestone I'd put and say to myself \"No way that will happen, just too far\" and behold, we just broke 15 million in Feb 2019.. Crazy. I've never received a penny for uploading this, didn't intend to. Lorax creators always have gained the revenue. Rightfully so. I've just enjoyed watching the counter go up, and up. My friend \"who I put at the end of the video\" suggested I upload this way back in 2012, probably wouldn't have without him. Sometimes I'll go back thru all the comments on here I can and just laugh so much when I feel down. Thank you viewers so much for making this video a hit. I was just a small teen at the time, and you turned this video into something viral! Thanks Internet for being awesome! Much love , Agent Benny ~02/16/2019