On an exceptionally bumpin' revolution of the ring of time, Cpt. Harlock and his best friend, Tochiro Oyama, set forth on a roguish adventure across the endless sea of stars. Their tale of loyalty and inseparability is just as eternal as the deepspace domain that they dominate. Join them as they experience pain, triumph, and hope for our future.
\"The Leijiverses\" is an ongoing nerdcore project documenting the works of Leiji Matsumoto. The legendary mangaka's passion for music bled throughout all of his audio/visual works. When I realized how moving it was, I had to see if anyone else had ever tried sampling these sounds. When I found them mostly untouched by producers, I had to jump on the opportunity to repackage these amazing scores into something that honors and (hopefully) reinvigorates public appreciation for one man's complete artistic vision.
Interested in learning more about the Leijiverse? Check out fb.com/leijiverse and join the largest English-speaking Leiji Matsumoto fan community in the world!
You read all this? Then listen, I'd never stop anyone from getting my music if they really want it. ESPECIALLY for financial reasons. Send an email to contact@cpthardluck.com and I'll send you a copy for free. I just ask that you spread the word in exchange. Stay hopeful.
Thanks to Leiji Matsumoto, Stasha Campbell, Watcha & everyone at tokinowa.net, Ruth & Charque, Darren Jon Ashmore, Helen McCarthy, Wyatt Hulings, Dante, Sea of Stars, anyone who let's me exist & create, Tochiro Oyama, and everyone else in the Leijiverse.
For my nephew, Donovan, who shouldn't listen to this until he is a little bit older. May you one day find your bliss and journey the endless sea of stars without fear. Have faith in our future together.