




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Current 93 - Of Ruine or Some Blazing Starre (FULL ALBUM)

Playing Next: Oxbow - Thin Black Duke (2017) [Full Album]
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A Voice from Catland - 00:00

Steven and I in the Field of Stars - 00:19

The Teeth of the Winds of the Sea - 03:13

\"Moonlight,\" You Will Say - 10:26

Into the Bloody Hole I Go - 15:42

The Darkly Splendid World - 16:41

The Cloud of Unknowing - 17:29

Let Us Go to the Rose - 24:55

All the World Makes Great Blood - 30:10

The Great, Bloody, Bruised and Silent Veil of the World - 34:03

Into the Menstrual Night I Go - 38:16

Dormition and Dominion - 39:29

So: This Empire is Nothing - 45:47

This Shining Shining World - 46:52

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