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Karpov Not Kasparov - Choose Your Color Gipsy Dark

Playing Next: Queen - My Secret Fantasy (Demo) (Equalized And Remastered)
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taken from [LCL18] Karpov Not Kasparov - Soundtrack for a Game of Chess (part two) released by

available to listen and download at:

Mysterious rook moves - Elisabeta - \"Nothing is as healing as the human touch\" - Choose your colour / Gipsy dark - Bad Bishop
First you will learn when, where and why to move the rook after castling. Then comes a trippy Romanian pastoral epic dedicated to our favourite chess grandmaster, Elisabeta P, followed by a nostalgic tribute to Albatros based on Bobby Fischer's last words. From there we keep it oriental, like the origins of chess. Here is a gypsy charade that was commissioned by and firstly performed at the Evicted Women Fashion Parade 2013. In the end, although Bach might not agree, we do not hesitate to exchange the bishop for a knight.
Artwork by Acme
Master by Alin Zăbrăuțeanu
Mysterious rook moves - Elisabeta - \"Nothing is as healing as the human touch\" - Choose your colour / Gipsy dark - Bad Bishop
Mai intâi trebuie să afli misterul: când, unde și de ce să muți tura atunci când faci rocada. Vine apoi o baladă mioritică dedicată marei noastre maestre internaționale. Și un tribut nostalgic pentru Albatros pornind de la ultimele cuvinte ale lui Bobby Fischer. Ramânem in Orient, la urma urmei de acolo vine șahul. O șarada țigănească compusă special pentru Parada Femeilor Evacuate 2013. Iar in final, deși poate Bach n-ar fi de acord, sacrificăm nebunul pentru un cal.
Artwork by Acme
Master by Alin Zăbrăuțeanu

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