?lbum de estr?ia dessa banda formada por m?sicos americanos e ingleses, inspirados na \"Cosmic American Music\" do fim dos anos 60 e in?cio dos anos 70.
Um delicioso e surpreendente blend de rock psicod?lico, folk e blues, que relembra bandas como o Crazy Horse, The Band, Little Feat, The Grateful Dead, New Rhythm And Blues Quartet (NRBQ) e outras do movimento West Coast Americano.
The debut album of this band formed by American and English musicians, inspired by the \"Cosmic American Music\" of the late 60's and early 70's.
A delightful and surprising blend of psychedelic rock, folk and blues, reminiscent of bands like Crazy Horse, The Band, Little Feat, The Grateful Dead, New Rhythm And Blues Quartet (NRBQ) and others from the West Coast American movement.