Planet Online, including remixes by Culprate, Rockwell and Rawtekk is out June 10th through Noisia's Division Recordings. Available exclusively through Beatport from May 27th. Taken from the Neosignal debut album 'Raum und Zeit' (Digital + CD) - to be released on June 24th 2013 worldwide.
Shot in a style that borrows from early Nineties children's toy commercials, the video for 'Planet Online' uses toys and analogue objects to create a physical reconstruction of the current online landscape, where current internet brands including Buzzfeed, Facebook, Instagram, 4 Chan, YouTube, Twitter, YouPorn) fight for our online attention. Guest appearances come from Wikileaks, Anonymous, ACTA, The Pirate Bay, Megaupload and beyond.
Jean-Philippe from Dent De Cuir:
\"The idea behind the video was to look at how the next generation are interacting with the internet and are faced with an ever expanding range of content. We employed early 1990's advertising aesthetics so we could recreate the internet by using toys as the media. It was an exciting (and intense) experience that felt like being back in childhood for 2 months\"