This is a folk song about a man named Ramund, the ballad is usually called 'Ramund den unge' in Denmark where its most known, but also exist in Norway under the name 'Råmund unge'. There are several variants of the ballad, this upload is one of the danish versions of the ballad.
Its a quite well known and popular folk song, most so in Denmark and most think it is a danish folk song today, but experts in the field says it must originally have been a norwegian ballad that was spread to Denmark.
It is belived to have roots in the norse saga 'Hrómundar saga Gripssonar'.
The ballad is about a warrior named Ramund, it tells of how he is on a quest and battles 7 giants, he fills his ship with gold and gemstones and sail to a king(or kaiser, varies from version to version). The king looks looks out of his window and asks who is there. Ramund answers 'it is me, and i want to fight you'.
The king begs Ramund to spare his life, and promises Ramund his daughter in marriage and half of his kingdom.
Ramund replies 'i can take your land whenever i want, and your daughter too'. Ramund then grabs his knife and kills the king.
Ramund says to himself, 'i thought the knife wouldnt bite, but the blood pours down'