Killer crusty death metal (or stench metal, as they like to call their music) project from Wrocław, Poland, founded in 2000 by members of Infekcja and Self Hate. They started as Evil, but changed name to Icon of Evil in 2011. This is their second full length album and first under the name Icon of Evil.
Released on October 2013 by Neanderthal-Stench (vinyl format), W.I.F.A.G.E.N.A Records (vinyl), Trująca Fala (vinyl), N.I.C. (CD format), PRC Music (CD format) and Grindfather Productions (cassette format).
01.[00:00] Intro
02.[02:21] Drzewo Krzyża.../ Wood of the cross...
03.[06:03] We come In Peace
04.[10:15] Zapchajcie sobie mordy! / Clog your mouths!
05.[15:10] Urodziłem się...Umrę... / I was born...I will die...
06.[18:17] Syfilis Mentalis
07.[22:33] Przetrwam / I will survive
08.[25:54] Kryzysk / Crisis=Profit
09.[33:39] P.M.C. (Private Military Contractors)
10.[38:45] Wszystko Po Staremu / Same old Same old