Full written permission/consent has been given by the content owner for usage/promotion on the Homework Radio Youtube channel. This video upload is an agreed project between Homework Radio & Purrple Cat to produce a completely unique piece of media not found anywhere else online. Therefore it is original content and cannot be classed as \"Duplication, Reused and/or non-original content\". The Homework Radio Youtube channel and its videos serve a practical purpose for the music industry, especially up and coming indie artists. It also serves the purpose of giving artists a platform to promote and share their visual pieces. Homework Radio's uploads are appreciated by the Youtube audience and give's them a location to listen to a vast selection of music while studying. Any and all video cuts, edits and effects are curated and applied by Homework Radio. Should copyrighted media be found within our videos it will not be contested in anyway with the revenue going to the contents owner via Youtube's Content ID feature even when usage is agreed - Homework Radio should remain in the YPP with all features enabled.