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DTRASH211 - RUBBER MUFFIN - Itzy Bitz (Full Album)

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D-TRASH is happy to do our next release with Canadian electronic artist RUBBER MUFFIN in 2019! Here's the scoop on his release:

\"Itzy Bitz was created between 2016 and 2017 with the intention of getting off the computer. All tracks are one-take jams performed on pocket operators and recorded onto a KP3 mini 2s with zero edits. P.O's used: 12×2, 14, 20, & 24.Lots of notes are played by hand. Some in time. Others not so much.

DRTDRMZ features sounds from a body break workout cassette manipulated through a walkman.

DRT RJ features sounds from the app Yellofier.\"

Mastering by Living~Stone

Thanx to


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