Originally started in February, THOF was not the original album set to be released under the new name, rather, it was going to be Teal Lake Teal, but due to technical difficulties, it was pushed aside for a more relaxing, yet unsettling feel. The origins started after a long debate and talk with Lennox's mother, Monica, over the Acoustic guitar. After awhile he got it, but there were a few problems. The guitar was over 22 years old at the time, was missing the two top strings, was a right handed instead of a left, and the strings were always out of tune. Lennox also played it in his lap facing down, at which he didn't know better at the time being. he would eventually record and release another 2 main LPs this way until the strings were fixed, which lead to a new way of organizing: Eras.
1 - Unwarmed welcome 00:00
2 - Fox reality nostalgia 01:00
3 - Unpleasant experience with the humans 06:00
4 - You can't see, right, too bad, because I've got a surprise for you 09:58