Buddha Bar - Fire Meditation: Original, organic meditation chillout music. This is a musical meditation of cleansing through embracing that which burns eternally, the fire that is at the core, the sacred flame at the heart of all life.
Please support my efforts to keep bringing you great whistling, and please don't rip my music from YouTube using MP3 converters, sites that say \"Free MP3 download,\" or by any other illegal means.
All the songs on my album are free to listen to on YouTube as many times as you like, but if you want to download them, all I'm asking is a buck apiece. I don't think that's so unreasonable. Artists and musicians should get paid for their work like everyone else! Thank you. Now about the meditation:
In modern times we have forgotten the importance of fire. It burns in the engines that power the machines that carry us to and fro... It burns in our furnaces, keeping us warm at night... And it burns in our power plants, still providing most of the electricity that brings us comfort, convenience, and light...
In days of old, in ancient cultures, in much wiser times... Our ancestors were ever aware of the power of fire. To them it was something mystical, magical, a gift from that which gives all life and experience... The Universe...
And the Nuclear BALL of FIRE which burns so brightly in the heavens, it has burned for billions of years and will continue to burn for billions more... And it bathes this planet in the abundant energy from which comes all life. For without its warm rays, life could never have begun, nor thrived, on this planet. Without the ever-blazing Sun, there would be no plants converting its light into food at the foundation of the entire food chain, and these plants also give us shelter, and replenish the very oxygen we breathe... Thus without FIRE, truly there would be no physical LIFE....
So in your heart of hearts, at the core of your being, if your mind can be still and silent long enough to truly see and feel it, THERE you will find the ETERNAL FIRE at the center of ALL that is, and all that was, and all that ever will be. And there it burns brightly, beckoning to you, as you stand in the darkness alone, and it calls YOU to join in its eternal dance of transformation. And when you do, when you heed its call toward the LIGHT, there you remember what you always knew... That the fire is you, and you are the fire.... Dancing, dancing, with your feet moving upon the world of the solid, as you reach toward the sky above...
Whistling and Singing/Chanting by Dave Santucci
All music, video, and text above Copyright 2010 Dave Santucci