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Master's Hammer - Jilemnick? Okultista The Jilemnice Occultist - 1992 - (Full Album)

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Master's Hammer's 2nd full- length release. This album was released 3 times; as a demo in 1992, as a self- released full- length during the same year, and as their 3rd full- length in 1993 on a label and with an english- translated album title & song titles. This one was entitled The Jilemnice Occultist.

Their 2nd and 3rd full- length releases sound exactly the same, but possess slightly different album covers and different- language song titles. Because it's difficult to get a hi-res image of the 1992 album cover, I have used the 1993 cover instead.


01 - P?edehra/Ouverture [0:00]

02 - Mezi kopci cesta je klikat?... [1:42]

03 - J? nechci mnoho tr?piti... [6:53]

04 - Kol prost?r? se temn? les... [12:59]

05 - Ten dvan?cter?k zmizel v hou?t?... [18:11]

06 - M?j hejtmane... [21:43]

07 - J? miz?ri? osudu jsem pron?sledov?n [27:13]

08 - Ach pane vz?cn?... [32:00]

09 - ?e v?e je podle m?ho p??n?... [35:54]

10 - Sl?va, sl?va, pane hejtmane [40:20]

11 - Suchard?v d?m (v nov? pace) [45:08]


?torm - Vocals, Guitars

Necrocock - Guitars

Monster - Bass

Valenta - Drums

Silenthell - Timpani

Vlasta Voral - Keyboards

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