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【東方Folk/Erhu】 悠久の紅魔館 「Floating Cloud」

Playing Next: San Berdoo Bunburn - Eagles of Death Metal
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☆ミ Title: 悠久の紅魔館 (Meaning \"Eternal Scarlet Devil Mansion\".)
☆ミ Album: Touhou Irish 8: Fairy Tale 「東方アイリッシュ8 妖精奇譚」
☆ミ Circle: Floating Cloud

★彡 Original Title: 亡き王女の為のセプテット (Meaning \"Septette for a Dead Princess\".) / Stage 6 Boss - Remilia Scarlet's Theme
★彡 Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Touhou Koumakyou, meaning \"Eastern Lands of the Scarlet Devil\".)

♬♪♫ ミ Arrangement:
一 Miyabi
一 Toshimasa 「沖田稔昌」
♬♪♫ ミ Original Composer: ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」

✧彡 Event: Comic Market 91 「コミックマーケット91」
✧彡 Release Date: Dec 29, 2016
✧彡 Website:
✧彡 Album Genre: Celtic, Irish, Acoustic&Folk — Touhou Instrumental Arrangement Album.

✿彡 Picture Artist: Velocitron
✿彡 Artist's Pixiv Page:
✿彡 Illustration Source:
✿彡 Character: Remilia Scarlet 「レミリア・スカーレット」

Enjoy!(っ˘ω˘ς ) ♬♪♫

If you are living in overseas in other words if you are having trouble making purchase from Japanese web pages such as Melonbooks or Toranoana then Floating Cloud is currently providing international shipping service for their oversea fans. In other words it is possible to to buy physical copy of their album by following these steps that they demonstrated in their offical site:

So please support doujin artists who are kind enough to make their albums available for their overseas fans. If you want to listen to more great arrangements of this kind in the future too, it is important to show your support and reward their hard work by purchasing their works. Thanks in advance!

✧ Buy the album here:



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