Directed by Tamara Lindeman
Cinematography & Colour Correction by Adam Crosby
Focus Puller / 1st Camera AC - Mark Zanin
Catering by Joan Hope
Kieran Adams (Drums)
Christine Bougie (Guitar)
Ryan Driver (Flute)
Will Kidman (Percussion)
Tamara Lindeman (Vocals / Piano)
Johnny Spence (Piano)
Ben Whiteley (Bass)
My god, I thought what a sunset
blood red floods the Atlantic
With a wine in my hand, laid
back in the grass of some stranger's field
while shearwaters reeled overhead
thinking I should get all this dying off of my mind
I should really know better than to read the headlines
does it matter if I see it? Why can't I just cover my eyes?
In the half light, soft wind on my skin
pink clouds massing on the cliffs
Thinking how can i touch this
how can i touch this softest
petal, softest stem, softest leaf, bending, green, in my palm?
Thinking I should get all this dying off of my mind
I should really know better than to read the headlines
Does it matter if I see? No really
Can I not just cover my eyes?
Oh tell me, why can't I just cover my eyes?