Fleetwood Mac - Dreams acoustic guitar lesson
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These videos are designed for guitar beginners or those with only limited guitar knowledge. They use simple chord shapes as much as possible and do not necessarily represent the way in which the song was originally played. They are designed as practice tools to supplement your other learning methods. Information is provided on screen for both right and left-handed players!
This is a wonderfully simple song. For most of the time you are going back and forth between F major 7 and G major (see, there is an easy F chord!), so it works well as an exercise piece. The only exception to this is the solo break which briefly brings in an A minor chord.
There are several ways to play F major 7, I've opted for a large version that uses my thumb on the bottom string. The song works just as well if you use a smaller shape, such as x-x-3-2-1-0.