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the temptations- i know i'm losing you

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A cold day in Hell... The horrifying ring of truth- what it feels like to know you're losing someone you love...

Eddie Kendricks, Melvin Franklin, Otis Williams and Paul Williams are brothers of misery singing out the storm warning of failed love just around the bend. A chorus keeping their emotions in check until they come to that hook line: \"Losing You-oooo\" where the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end...

David Ruffin. The poor man is in so much anguish and yet his vocals never go completely off the rails. The amazing thing about David and company is how much emotion they pack into those lyrics while keeping the singing just one step away from total abandon. Economy in vocalizing, not \"over-singing\"; sometimes it's those tightly controlled vocals that tear your guts out- you get the feeling the man is about to combust at any moment and you're just waiting for the other shoe to drop...

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