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Josef Anton Riedl: Komposition No.4/I (1968/1969)

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Josef Anton Riedl (*1929): Komposition No.4/I, for electronic and public sounds (1968/1969).

Cover image: painting by Vlatko Ceric.

Riedl was previously engaged in purely electronic music, in which every single passage must be prefixed and worked out in detail (as in his 'Studien'). Already here dynamic passages occurred which possessed the character of a process to a high degree, and then he worked in recordings of concrete sounds whose unprofiled contours unravelled the strict lay-out of the course - as in the 'Kompositionen 3 and 4/1'. For Riedl, electronic sounds became more and more material reservoir and generator - whether their output
was added to film or theater productions, or whether the material was used as part of instrumental or vocal processes.

Dieter Schnebel (fonte:web).

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