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[Full Album] Star Chaser - Direct Current

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Awesome Album art by an awesome artist:

Prelude: 0:00

Liftoff: 2:34

Journey's Birth: 7:02

Limestone: 9:50

Waltzing Memory: 14:50

Meteor Intercepts: 17:23

Stellar Wind: 20:59

Untitled Track: 23:56

Drifting: 27:14

Crosscut: 30:12

Empty Space: 32:45

Distress: 35:40

\"One day a pony will rise to fly among the stars. Not for adventure, but for escape.”

It’s finally here after about 3 months of work, with plently of last minute additions. Starting from only about 5 tracks (which I was excited about), this album has grown to a solid 13 (+1 bonus) songs. It evolved from a couple unrelated songs to a full on concept album. I’m very happy with these tracks and hope you enjoy them!

Find the rest of my music here!


EQD Album Compilation - January

The muse and protagonist of this album is a pegasus named ‘Star Chaser’. They lived simply; happy to work on the farm of the one they loved instead of the cloud cities pegasi are usually known to inhabit.

But they lost it all. And when one loses it all, it’s hard to find something to keep going. This is when Star realized their unique potential; their ability that would allow them to fly amongst the stars. Princess Luna herself asked Star Chaser to go off into the unknown with little else other than the magic to communicate back her findings. Grabbing a locket with a picture of their love, Limestone Pie, they took off with no plans on coming back.

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