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John Warren-Take Me Back. (hi-tech aor)

Playing Next: Eve, Gwen Stefani - Let Me Blow Ya Mind (2001) [Vinyl Video]
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Same track out of John Warren's epic 1988 debut mini EP ''Take Me Back\".Highly sophisticated and utterly melodic,(sometimes so melodic it's almost unbearable)this mini album is a blend of fine adult contemporary music with some hi-tech aor touches,like this track which sounds almost like a pop tune.Although this album did not feature any of it's similar genres heavy artillery session musicians like Bruce Gaitsch or Nathan East(unless of course aor legend Michael Thompson who plays guitar on several tracks),Τake Me Back doesn't lack in any point next to the many similar albums that featured similar artists.Although this album targeted mainly to the hungry for adult contemporary music Japan crowd,Take Me Back covered in it's small duration a wide range of fine AOR.From early to westcoast to hi-tech all contained in a small but beautiful package.

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