Metroid Prime 4 Hype! Here's my djenty take on Metroid Prime's Theme!
So I haven't actually played this game too much, but I absolutely love Super Metroid, Metroid 1/Fusion, and from my hours in Prime this marvelous 3D series as well. There's so much creativity in this game, the first 3-D for the series, and the mix of Sci-Fi style and glitchy computerized sounds made me so excited I had to give it a shot. However I decided doing it in key would feel a bit stale, so I used my Ibanez 7 now in Drop Ab with a bit looser feel as a result! I hope you enjoy this tune, NOW available on my album The Dark Hunter!
I'm Ro P. and I make metal, rock, and more video game remixes, music tutorials, and more! If you like crazy riffs, prog-metal, or upbeat tunes check out my music!