An unholy amalgamation of ancient metals smelted upon the altars of iron and steel, NIGHT FIGHTER has come like a lone combatant boldly asserting that with the rites of old school evil and wielding his weapons of choice he has nothing to fear and has the prowess and power of 4 coursing through his veins. As a one man force of deaththrashing black speed metal INCULTO has 2 mantras, to do alone what a full band does both onstage and off and to never stray beyond the influences of 80s metal.
From the very first thought to the release of this worship of old school metal before you, NIGHT FIGHTER has been the sole labour of INCULTO, UNHOLY SEPULCHRE is a collection of furious riffs from the last 13 years of INCULTO's songwriting and the rotten stench on the exhumed riffs remains. As a veteran of black metal and crust punk songwriting and a diehard thrasher, the invocations here are all railing against the frustration of trying and failing to find metal maniax dedicated enough to the rites of ancient steel!
May all who listen to this do so very loudly,
drive all posers from your town and destroy your necks for Satan!
NIGHT FIGHTER is Inkulto - guitar, bass, vocals, drum programming, production and engineering, illustration and design.