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Storm - Aries (heavy / US power / gothic metal)

Playing Next: Little Boots - Earthquake DUBSTEP
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As we have 21st of March today, best wishes to all born under Aries, the First Sign! And for those under other ones: don't worry - all in due time! :)

Game - Symphony
Difficulty – Fortissimo (highest)
You can view video in up to 1080p HD quality.
While the song is played, in-game sounds are OFF.

Artist: Storm
For more information about the band and related links, check here:
Song: Aries
Album: Zodiac (2017)

For more videos from my channel, see here:

If you want to see (hear) a certain song on the channel, just let me know!

I do not own the game or the song - all parts of the game, all names, music and lyrics belong to their respective owners. The game is music game and thus cannot function without music, as it uses the songs to create new levels. The video is fan-made and not for profit. Apart from being a gameplay video, it is aimed for promoting the artist(s) and their music.

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