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Theorist Ghosts (full album, 2018)

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(00:00) Wonder Box Intro

(01:41) Operation Wandering Soul

(05:12) Julia

(08:01) The Yosemite Transmission

(11:18) The Gong Station

(14:27) WKCRFM New York

(17:49) The Ensoniq Glitch

(19:59) Sky Trumpets

(23:06) Wonder Box Outro

Each track is inspired by an unexplained sound...

Wonder Box Intro / Outro:

These tracks feature samples of YouTube paranormal investigator Steve Huff, the inventor of the Wonder Box. This is a device that allows spirits to 'speak' by manipulating a bank of built in audio.

Operation Wandering Soul:

This track contains a recording used in Operation Wandering Soul, a propaganda campaign exercised by U.S. Forces during the Vietnam War.

The operation played off the belief of many Vietnamese in the \"wandering soul\": It is the Vietnamese belief that the dead must be buried in their homeland, or their soul will wander aimlessly in pain and suffering. U.S. engineers spent weeks recording eerie sounds and altered voices – which pretended to be killed Vietcong – for use in the operation, with the intended purpose of instilling a sense of turmoil within the enemy, the desired result being for the soldier to flee his position. Helicopters were sometimes employed to broadcast recordings, in which the voices called on their \"descendants\" in the Vietcong to defect and cease fighting.


This track contains a sound recorded deep under the Antarctic Ocean by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1999. Codenamed Julia, the strange sound was officially explained by the NOAA as an iceberg that had run aground. However, pictures from NASA's Apollo 33A5 show a large shadow swaying through the south west section of Cape Cadre at the same time as the sound was recorded. Although still classified, the pictures apparently show that the object was twice the length of the Empire State Building.

The Yosemite Transmission:

The mysterious 'Yosemite Sam' radio transmission, which started in 2004, is thought to originate from somewhere in the New Mexico desert. Each transmission starts with a strange data burst followed by the voice of the cartoon character Yosemite Sam saying 'Varmint, I'm a gonna blow you to smithereenies'. The purpose of the transmissions remains unknown.

The Gong Station:

This track contains a sample of a numbers station broadcast from East Germany between the 1970s and 1990s. It used the sounds of gongs and chimes as interval noises between numbers read in German. Its purpose is unknown.

WKCRFM New York:

This track contains a recording of a radio hijack made in 1995. Normal programming on WKCRFM New York was interrupted by several minutes of eerie electronic sounds and breathing followed by a female voice reciting a list of obituaries.

The Ensoniq Glitch:

The Ensoniq samplers of the 1980s and 1990s had a strange glitch: if the user set the loop start and end points to exactly the same value, the machine would crash, playing a garbled and distorted sequence of all the samples in the machine's memory. Bizarrely, the glitch would occasionally cause sounds to be heard that had never been sampled or stored in memory. This track is an attempt to recreate the glitch.

Sky Trumpets:

Since 2012, people around the world have reported and recorded strange trumpet-like sounds coming from the sky. There is no explanation for these apocalyptic sounds, which are the basis of this track.

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