This is the tenth album by Skelephant and was released in 2019. All Harmonica tracks were done by Greg Newman except track 3 (4 Tall Cans). The Harmonica on that track was done by Chad Vickers. All other instruments were played by Chad Vickers. All songs were written, recorded and produced by Chad Vickers in his home studio in Durham, N.C. except for track 10 (Ginebra San Miguel). That was recorded on a cell phone in the Philippines. The album art was created by Meredith Bugel, possibly my biggest fan. lol ;) Its been 10 albums in the last 5 years and this is the final album at least for a while. Its been fun creating this music but I want to thank all the people who have listened and shared it and gave me feedback. Sometimes I question myself on why I keep recording all this music when its not reaching the masses but those of you who keep listening to my music and telling me what it means to you keep me going. Also to be honest, if no one listened id still make it regardless because that's just what I enjoy doing. I hope yall enjoy this 10th and final album for the foreseeable future. I'm wore out lol