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The Pilgrims - Hey You!

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From the album \"The Pilgrims - Telling Youth... The Truth\" (Remastered material of the 60s). \"Swinging London , Mods, Carnaby Street etc, On any given night you could see say The Who, The Birds or countless other groups playing all over London. One swinging scene going on , but few people know there was another scene going on all over England. A Christian beat scene. Bands sprung up all over the country groups like The Crossbeats & Witnesses from Liverpool, The Persuaders from Stockport preached the gospel to youth. One of the best of these Christian beat groups was The Pilgrims. Just for the record, the members of the group were Don Sanders-Lead Guitar (1962-66)& Bass(1966-69), Derrick Phillips -Rythym Guitar(1962-67), Ian Wilkie -Drums, John Hubbard-Bass(1962-66), Chris King -Vocals & Harmonica (1962-64) & Tony Goodman - Lead Vocals , Harmonica & Lead Guitar (1966-1971).\" Extract taken from an interview. You can read the rest here:
If you enjoy Christian music from the 1960s you can find information on many groups and out of print albums at:

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