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A Tribute to Spelunky HD - HELL RUN MEDLEY (missingNo)

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Eric here! You guys... Spelunky 2 drops TOMORROW on PS4.

I purchased Spelunky HD on release week in 2012 and became absolutely obsessed with the rogue-like genre. Despite clearing every achievement, I kept going back again and again over the years, and every time I was reminded how special this game is to me.

To celebrate the big release tomorrow, (and to pass the time while eagerly awaiting for Spelunky 2 to release) I decided to arrange a medley of every song a player encounters on a successful Hell run. The game footage is of myself completing a Hell run to match the music, which was difficult as I had to go quickly to ensure the footage wasnt sped up too much, and the black market needed to spawn 2-3 so it would lead to Ice Caves as the music does in our arrangement! Eirik Suhrkes music is incredible, and as a result, it was difficult to pick what is the best song to represent each area. Hopefully weve represented each area as you remembered it?

I want to give a personal thank you to everyone in the band for learning this 240 bar arrangement in a matter of a week, to Luis and Alex for their help with mixing, and to Trent who rushed to get the video ready in time for the release day. Spelunky 2 drops tomorrow and Im not sure Ive ever been more excited for anything in my life! Congrats to Derek Yu, Eirik Suhrke, and the team at Mossmouth and Blitworks. Thank you for the memories, and the experiences yet to come.

Trumpets: Thomas Houlden, Rory Hislop
Trombone: Nicky Walsh
Soprano and Tenor Sax: John Nicholson
Keyboards: Luis Melgar
Electric Bass: Alex Dobson
Electric Guitar: Eric Wettstein
Drums: Trent Otter

Arrangement by: Eric Wettstein
Mixing by: Luis Melgar, Eric Wettstein
Mastering by: Alex Dobson
Video Editing by: Trent Otter

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