refresh is allb's first album and it isn‘t a traditional collection of beats.
in the album allb explains his relationship with sampling as a creation tool, how he tries to hear all the music in the world and also talks about his relationship with urban life in Curitiba city. besides that, he also addresses the troubled political moment in brazil.
in the instrumental side, allb brings his best: brazilian samples, with special attention to percussion, including candomblé and umbanda references, carefully mixed with bossa nova, jazz fusion and boom bap.
refresh, defined by allb himself, is an album for commute and movement. it was thought for those who move and while doing so, reflects.
for sure, it is an album to philosophize and get stoned within your own universe.
allb thanks to:
to my beloved wife luciana, for unconditional support in this project in my life. to pietro for his friendship and trust in this big challenge. to renan for all his talent and partnership in the production. to the brazilian music, to umbanda and candomblé chants, to the groove, to the dawns, my parents, friends and to you listening to this album, giving life to the independent music. thank you very much!!!