Piano peace! In 360 and with 3D audio (you can look around and move the view!). Check out the making of video, it's REAL COOL: https://youtu.be/x1zJoU6Luss
Use your phone and youtube app with headphones to be able to look around with spatial audio on this video. The making of video also includes a flat version so you can see it all at once.
This is a collaboration with mathematician Henry Segerman, with additional help from physicist Sabetta Matsumoto. There’s a surprising amount of theory behind this video that we get into a little bit in the making of.
Crowdfunded on Patreon! Special thank you to Caleb Wright, Albert Wenger, Pat Devlin, Jack Heidrick, David Perryman, Jeremy Buchanan, Chris Pierik, Wish Society, Carol Hart, Andrea Di Biagio, Charley Sheets, Jodi Vezzetti, Andrew Romaner, Michael Tiemann, and Yana Chernobilsky.