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445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Le Forte Four - Bikini Tennis Shoes - 1975 - Full Album & Airway - Live

aka: LAFMS: The Lowest Form Of Music - 1996 - CD2

Los Angeles Free Music Society ‎– LAFMS#01

US 1996

Cortical Foundation ‎– organ of Corti 11.1,

RRRecords ‎– RRR-CD-17

Le Forte Four - \"Bikini Tennis Shoes\"

1. Le Forte Four: Ka-Bella-Cha-Cha

2. Le Forte Four: Some Problem with the Cord or Something

3. Le Forte Four: Ka-Bella-Binsky Bungo (excerpt)

4. Le Forte Four: Good Worker

5. Le Forte Four: Aye Ma Ma (I'm Amok)

6. Le Forte Four: Meanwhile Back at the Tulip Boat, Stinky and Gus Make Warplanes/Your Living Constutuion (Dies) -

7. Le Forte Four: Before Docking in Space

8. Le Forte Four: Candy Wrapper Blues/A Little Sloppy Still

9. Le Forte Four: Bikini Tennis Shoes (one pair)

10. Le Forte Four: Joe's Nose Solo

11. Le Forte Four: Song of the Electric Drill

12. Le Forte Four: I Can't Even Think/On the Dawning of a Giant Face/Joe's Dead/Marriage/Twinkle

13. Le Forte Four: What Do You Do, Radiator?/The Grocery Store is My Heaven

14. Le Forte Four: Fade It Out

15. Le Forte Four: The Pope Speaks

16. Le Forte Four: Crank Up the Kids

17. Le Forte Four: Bongo Madness

18. Le Forte Four: Ka-Bella Reprise

19. Le Forte Four: Steven, Steven

20. Le Forte Four: Sonnet

21. Le Forte Four: Ballad de Forte Four

22. Le Forte Four: It's Raining Bongos

23. Le Forte Four: They are Asleep

24. Le Forte Four: Music Hall Bootleg (excerpt)

25. Le Forte Four: Painting the Roses Red

26. Le Forte Four: Enough Fun/That Feedback Again

Airway - \"Live at Lace\"

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