Here are some suggestions on how to use this album:
Space: Sound - this track is good for escape. If you want to go somewhere peaceful over the course of 6 minutes, lay down plugin and tune out.
Breath - Breath is good for grounding and can accompany a short meditation session. Entrain your breath to the breath in the track, keep your mind empty and let if go wherever it will.
Duality - bring something you want to shed to this track and something you want to grow into.
Surface - this track is good for deep sleep and relaxation. It can help you to sleep or meditate or slow down. Good for anxious episodes.
36 hZ - this track is another duality study but will help to energize you and then put you at peace. It is the “brain cleaner.”
released January 21, 2021
Album was performed, produced, mixed and mastered by NTHNL