V/A – Relativity Combat In-Effect Sampler (1990 In-Effect IRPROCD-0112 / Relativity IRPROCD-0112 / Combat IRPROCD-0112) this comp is a good example of why you always need to check the dollar bin. Definitely a weird little comp featuring death metal, musical cast recordings and Steve Vai? It's a three-way from Relativity, Combat Records and In-Effect Records (which were two decent old-school hardcore labels from NYC) and this is the Relativity disc. Although this disc is my least favorite (Joe Satriani is okay, Steve Vai is a dick, I don't like musicals) the comp overall is still great and the Stuart Hamm and Scott Henderson tracks are actually pretty badass. Also look at this fucking artwork, like a sick, pale teal and this weird orange-pink, it's so delightfully 90s. So if Steve Vai and Les Miserables is your thing this is *your* favorite disc.
So far YouTube has disc 2 blocked for copyright violations, this upsets my OCD a fuckton.