Galileo's Ghost: An epic science fiction blend of audio and visual entertainment. A Classically scored space opera tainted by modern metal and corrupted by the historic punk bands and movements of the last two decades.
Musically Galileo's Ghost sound like a movie soundtrack, don't let the \"Epic Metal Space Opera\" tag fool you. It has taken close to 4 years to finish this album with the help of a 80 piece orchestra, 40 piece choir and an army of other talented musicians to lay their touch on this Rookie Allen's pride and joy Galileo's Ghost - Remember Me, Starfighter Volume One.
Think of Experimental Heavy Rock meets Star Wars. Vocally Rookie Allen, is like Ying and Yang. He sings like an angel and screams like a demon. His vocal style fits like a glove as it sores high above Brendan Baker's chunky riffs and tasteful solos. Zach Falconer's steam rolling war drums and Steven Moore's rumbling bass, lay a solid foundation to each monstrous track. From Classical scores infused with Heavy Metal, Heavy Rock to beautiful Experimental electronic tracks amalgamating with gorgeous piano and power ballads.
Galileo's Ghost is an a Heavy Metal Space Opera drowning it's orchestra in a sea of experimental Bliss.
Visually, Galileo's ghost is told through a 454 page graphic novel/comic book, that employees not only the visual talents of Rookie Allen himself but other artist involved with the Starplanet team, such as Spang Green, Drew Turner, A.W.Gray and Fully Metal Keith.