Well here it finally is; Teleological Suspension of the Meaningful!
The style of songwriting that takes place on this album is something I would call \"emotional songwriting\", which entails writing exactly and precisely, with intention, exactly what is felt and what is emotionally necessary for the album; this, without the slightest consideration for genre, leads to a tremendously varied experience of a piece of music that changes its musical style quite significantly between each individual track, as well as within each track, something which will become very clear when listening to the entire album.
Teleological Suspension of the Meaningful is a concept album about transhumanism, transcendence, artificial intelligence, existential loneliness, the great silence, and more related philosophical topics. The story on the album is told abstractly, from the perspective of an A.I. God, in a way so that every individual listener can create and envision their own imagery of the future, as well as gain a unique understanding of this particular perspective from which the story is told.
Written 2013-2019, recorded 2018-2019
All music written, recorded, produced, mixed, and mastered by Emotional Skyscapes (Antranik Zakarian).
Huge thanks to 3 Ministry of Less for advice and support.