\"I understand this might make some people uncomfortable, but I want to break this stigma of talking about mental health. There are people out there who never get the help they need because society considers it something shameful, something you should hide. I really believe simply being able to talk about it helps.
I wanted to make an album by channeling my past experiences growing up with depression, dp/dr and anxiety. The desire to capture these experiences musically might have been one of my main inspirations in my journey as a musician, so I wanted to embrace it.
Since starting this project a year ago, I learnt a lot.
I realized how important seeking for help with someone is while you are still able to, and that you deserve help, no matter what your thoughts tell you, because no magical creature would suddenly come and save you one day. I realized that no matter who you are or where you came from, there will be people who genuinely care, and they are exactly the reason I am doing this.
This album is a story of what could have been, if I had waited for a mythical being to save me.\"