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The Lancashire Hotpots - BOGOFF

Playing Next: Drowns the Wiskey - Steve Stewart and Jenny Williams (originally recorded by Jason Aldean)
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A track taken from the 2008 album 'Pot Sounds'

Have you ever stopped to wonder
When you're walking down the aisle
In the high street at your favourite shop
At the way that every two weeks or so
More prices have started to drop
On loads of things that nobody will need
But my favourite sticker, could not've come quicker
Yes it's Buy One Get One Free (ohhh)

Full fat yoghurt in your basket
Kitty cat litter in your basket
Oh you don't need 'em,
But you got to buy 'em can't you see
'Cos they're Buy One Get One Free

So you got a lot a load of BOGOFF's
And you take 'em t'till
Fifty percent of it is free!
You've got more tins of beans, than you've got cupboards f't fill
You can't wait to see how much that it'll bev
But you can't scrimp on items
Like brown Sauce and booze
It's quality not quantity you need
And they've pushed up the price
Of the things that are nice
The receipt makes a terrifying read (what you need is)

Full fat yoghurt in your basket
Kitty cat litter in your basket
Oh you don't need 'em,
But you got to buy 'em can't you see
'Cos they're Buy One Get One Free

There's a lesson to be learned
Here's advice that is handy
When using a retail boutique
You wanna get this'sen down t'Morrissons and th'Aldi a
If it's value for money that you seek
But in order t'fill yer basket on yer scooter
There's only one thing that yer can dee
Say it loud, say it proud
Every week I have vowed
To Buy One Get One Free (all together now)

Full fat yoghurt in your basket
Kitty cat litter in your basket
Oh you don't need 'em,
But you got to buy 'em can't you see
'Cos they're Buy One Get One Free
Full fat yoghurt in your basket
Kitty cat litter in your basket
Oh you don't need 'em,
But you got to buy 'em can't you see
'Cos they're Buy One Get One Free

-uploaded in HD at

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