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445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

The Ex & Tom Cora - Scrabbling At The Lock (1991) [Full Album]

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Track List :

01. State Of Shock 0:00 - 6:06

02. Hidegen Fujnak A Szelek 6:07 - 9:23

03. King Commie 9:24 - 12:52

04. Crusoe 12:53 - 16:22

05. The Flute's Tale 16:23 - 20:24

06. A Door 20:25 - 25:32

07. Propadada 25:33 - 29:51

08. Batium 29:52 - 33:43

09. Total Preparation 33:44 - 40:02

10. 1993 40:03 - 42:29

11. Fire And Ice 42:30 - 48:34

12. Sukaina 48:35 - 51:27

Band: The Ex & Tom Cora ( Cello )

G.W. Sok: Vocals

Terrie Hessels: Baritone Guitar, Guitar

Katherina Bornefeld: Drums, Vocals, Percussion

Andy Moor: Guitar, Baritone Guitar

Luc Klaasen: Bass

Country: Netherlands

Genres: Post/Anarcho/Jazz Punk

Released: August 1991

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