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Psalters ‎– Ch. VII - Carry The Bones (Full Album)

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Label: Self Released

Country: USA

Year: 2011

Genre: Avant-Folk





00:00 - Magnificat

02:58 - Altisadora

07:29 - Diggers All

11:14 - Will Scarlett

16:52 - Psalm 27

25:10 - Manifesto Of The Pebble

31:08 - Re-member

40:50 - Seven Times Round

46:45 - The Doe Of The Morning

57:04 - Rise Up



Recorded At – Croatan Studio

Artwork – Meg Lemieur, Will Stichter

Guitar, Banjo, Bouzouki, Violin, Kemenche, Accordion, Bass, Djembe, Congas, Shekere, Goblet Drum [Doumbek], Drums [Kick Drum And Ruachabba Drum], Cymbal, Surdo, Repinique, Caixa, Snare, Berimbau, Caxixi, Tambourine, Bodhrán, Cabasa, Maracas, Ganzá, Agogô, Tamborim, Voice, Rattle [Goathoof], Bells [Elephant], Pandeiro, Saxophone, Claves, Cowbell, Gong, Castanets, Other [Dununba, Sangban, Kenkeni, Qarkabebs, Riq, Zils, Chocalho, Shofars, Gungroo, Timbau, Woodblocks, Folding Chairs, Spirit Stomps, Scrapings, Poundings, Wheezings] – Psalters

Hurdy Gurdy – Gov. Stone-Thrower

Instruments – Baron von Mustache, Captain Napkins, Chancellor Prancellor, Count Tabu Noirleon, Czarina Concertina, Lazerpsalter, Queen Featherpluck, Squire Questionmark, The Mighty Steve

Mixed By, Mastered By – Captain Napkins


---TRACK CREDITS----------------------------------------------------------------

Writers credits stated as Bible referrences on which the tracks are founded:

1: Written-By [Luke 1:46-55]

3: Lyrics By [Psalm 3] – King David, Written-By [Revamp] – Don Rico de Moneda

4: Written-By [Isaiah 1:20-23, Isaiah 40:3-6, Isaiah 58:6-10, John 1:22-23, 2 Corinthians 5, Prayer of St. Francis]

5: Written-By [Genesis 11:1-4, Exodus 20:25]

6: Written-By [Heb. 11 - Heb. 12:1]

7: Written-By [Leviticus 26:34]

9: Vocals – Missy Siegle, Written-By [I Kings 17:4,6, Psalm 147:9, Prov. 30:17, Luke 12:24, Gen. 8:7, Lev. 11:15, Job 38:41, Matt. 26:34]

10: Written-By [Psalm 22, Matthew 27, Joshua 6]



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