Rudy Vallee's radio sign-off theme--Vermonter Rudy Vallee with his Connecticut Yankees in the jovial Hupfeld number, \"Let's Put Out the Lights and Go to Bed\".
Didn't we have a lovely evening?
Our party was a great success!
Oh, didn't Mrs. Smith look stunning?
Did you notice Mrs. Jones's new dress?
What did Mr. Brown say to Uncle Benny?
Just one of those things, he'd had a few too many.
Sure was a hungry crowd,
They didn't leave a scrap for Rover,
We ought to feel real proud,
I'm mighty glad the darn thing's over!
(Please go 'way and let me sleep!)
No more company to feed,
No more papers left to read,
So, what's to do about it?
Let's put out the lights and go to bed.
No more anything to drink,
Leave those dishes in the sink,
What's to do about it?
Whisper \"nighty-night\" and so to bed.
You're waiting now for me to say,
\"I love you more and more and more, dear.
You're looking younger every day,
You never were so sweet before, dear\".
No more money in the bank,
No cute baby we can spank,
So, what's to do about it?
Let's put out the lights and go to bed.
You're waiting now for me to say,
\"I loves ya more and more and more, dear.
You're looking younger every day,
You never were so sweet before, dear\".
No more money in the bank,
No cute baby we can spank,
So, what's to do about it?
Let's put out the lights and go to bed.