Well, as you may have noticed, my job is to search for One-man band projects and to share them on my channel. I do not make money by doing it because - and off course - all the videos are from other people, and it is not (and it never will be) my interest to make money from other people's work. My primary goal has always been to put in a place the bands that I like and with that to be able to share with other people. It's a joyous but at the same time exhausting job, because I have to check if the band is actually made by just one member, look up all the information about the album and the artist, ask for permission, download, upload, etc. It's not something you do in a minute. For this reason I created this Patreon account, because those who want to encourage my work and collaborate financially with any value will be welcome. I even prefer that if you can buy the albums instead of contributing to my Patreon account so you do that, because the artists will always come first. I ask for this contribution only to those who have a spare coin or something. Do not worry if you can not help. Just keep listening to the albums so you can help the real artists: The one-man bands guys who make us incredible songs.