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Scott Pilgrim ANTHEM [Full Cover]

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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World The Game ANTHEM Theme Metal Guitar Cover by FamilyJules
(Tabs For All Parts Available on Patreon!)

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I don't know why I needed to wait until now to have an excuse to play more Anamanaguchi music. To those that don't know, my favorite album of all time is Endless Fantasy by Anamanaguchi, who composed for Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World The Game. So when Scott Pilgrim was rereleased, I couldn't wait for any better time to do some more. There isn't a single song off this soundtrack that I wouldn't cover, but with all of the hype of this game, the main theme was the one that got stuck in my head the most.

Ever since finishing up Unseen Ones from last week, I've been in a deep battle with myself to readjust my sleep schedule to change things up. I've always been a night person and especially during this pandemic and strange time over all, I found it very easy to slip into sleeping most of the day. This week I wanted to take it easy with a song that wasn't nearly as technically difficult to cover so that I could find a good balance between focusing on myself and still working on content I love, so even though this won't be my ambitiously longest or most technically impressive cover, know that it's still out of deep respect for the game, it's composer, and, well, myself I guess. Thank you so much for listening!

And PLAY THIS GAME! I have never been a fan of side scroller beat-em-ups but this game is so good that it's an exception. Rock on!

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Composed by: Anamanaguchi
Filmed by: Jack Fliegler

Instruments Used:
Lead Guitar: Ernie Ball Majesty Monarch
Rhythm Guitar: Ernie Ball by Music Man Jason Richardson Cutlass
Bass: Schecter Diamond-J 5

Interface: Axe-Fx III & Focusrite Clarett Octopre
Mixer: Makie ProFX12
Microphone: Shure SM7B + Audio Technica AT2020
Audio Software: Cubase 11
Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020
Video Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5s

Check out my entire list of equipment here:
#FamilyJules #ScottPilgrim #Anamanaguchi #FamilyJules7x

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