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Chat Noir - Possession (Feat Rin Kagamine) Full Album (Jinkusu-P)

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1- Contract Part 1 (Stick into my way)

Stop acting like a child and take responsibility

Stick into my way and test your replaceability

Leave your soul to me, sign a contract with me

Imagine opening your feelings for the first time in 5 years and what you get is this

2- The Summoning (Virtual Hell)

3- Die To Be Reborn (Feat Gumi Megpoid)

(opening your feelings for the first time in 5 years)

dnim ym tsol evah I

efil ym tsol evah I

meetse fles gnikcal ma I

yhtapme gnikcal ma I

ekaf lla era sdneirf yM

yaw ym tsol evah I

ytsenoh si deen I llA

ytirahc ruoy deen t'nod I

4- Possession

5- Ankh (Sacrifice)

Put your hands up in the air.

Sacrifice your blood for me.

Leave your soul to feel despair.

Give your life to feel for me.

6- Pentagram (Cold)

7- Dancing Demon

Dancing all night to the dark lord.

Sweating all night till the encore.

8- Division (Breakup)

I don't have to love you.

I don't want to love you.

I may want to hurt you.

I may want to kill you.

9- No Future

I have no future and no purpose...

...and no purpose for you.

10- Another Day, Another Night

Another day, Another night.

I'm not okay, I'm not alright.

11- Revenge

Demon demon demon, I need to get revenge.

Demon demon demon, I need to take his life.

12- Contract Part 2 (Outro Version)

Leave your soul to me, sign a contract with me.

Album by:

Jinkusu-P / Amysel / Chat Noir

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