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Insomnium Winter's Gate (Full Album - Instrumental Recorded Cover)

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Time-stamps below.

Re-mixed for full length release.

Thanks for watching and listening!

The recording process of this took approximately 8 days, mixing took approximately one week. Mixing and mastering was easy because I had already pre-mixed the first two parts a few weeks ago, so gain-matching between releases was the most critical and automating any obvious errors here and there.

I took photos and videos of my input settings for later use.


Rode NT2A : Art MPA Gold : VLA II

Acoustics DI : Samson DI : Art MPA Gold: VLA II


Samson DI Split

Guitar Track 1 - Art MPA Gold : VLA II

Guitar Track 2 - Maxon OD 808 : DI into 003 (reamped with Bias Amp 2 - Mesa Boogie Mark 2 c+ and Celestion IR)

Bass - Samson DI Split - MPA Gold : VLA II (Reamped with Bias Amp 2)

Everything except the bass guitar was recorded with a clean input (MPA) and a DI input with the OD808 infront of it. This allows for accurate pick-attack editing if needed (it came in use, but I didn't do much editing on this entire track)

Each video previously released was mixed individually for that video - that caused a lot of issues with the overall mix as volumes and automation was different each track.

The acoustics were re-recorded for part 2.

Time Stamps:

00:00 - 05:35 Part I

05:36 - 12:12 Part II

12:13 - 17:53 Part III

17:54 - 22:03 Part IV

22:04 - 27:22 Part V

27:23 - 32:34 Part VI

32:35 - 38:52 Part VII

If anyone wants to lay vocals to this - be aware this is mixed and mastered for YT without vocals introduced into the mix. I can send you an unmastered raw WAV file (16 bit 44.1 kHz) of any song or the full album. Also, if you want I can also send you the individual stems (I have not bounced them down however).

The full session is approximately 46 GB so uploading that isn't an option thanks to our awesome Internet in Australia.

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