I’m getting old… well relatively speaking. 27 may not be that old but it’s old enough to sometimes feel out of touch with all the sayings kids are using these days. With Fleek On Fleek I am making fun of my age and poking fun at internet culture. Until I wrote this song and did 3 minutes of research I didn’t really know what “On Fleek” meant (hence the lyrics right before the 3rd drop). In fact, the phrase “Fleek on Fleek” doesn’t even make sense but that’s the point. The hook was actually a single saxophone note loaded into Harmor. During the drops the pitched sound is just a sample of a glass being struck being twisted around with the pitch wheel in FL Studio. I love how I was able to go so crazy with the edits in this track that even I hear new things sometimes when I listen to it. Also, in typical FWLR fashion there’s a cat meow thrown in there because WHY THE FUCK NOT?