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Persona 5 Royal - Ideal and The Real - Funk/Fusion Cover feat. Eric Hirschhorn

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What's up everyone! Sorry for my recent absence. There's a lot of social issues plaguing the world currently so I kept away to keep the platform open for stories that need to be told. However I'm back now with a fresh new cover! This one is a Prince inspired take on one of the coolest new tracks that was added to Persona 5 Royal. Joining me on this is my very good friend Eric Hirschhorn who I've been playing music with for years now and he's been on here before so for those of you who aren't new to my channel you've seen him before! This cover is also part of Persona 5 themed EP released recently by Gamegrooves and lemme tell you, its absolute fire so I'll leave the link for it below! One more thing, all the dates featured in this video are all little easter eggs I wanted to put in. I wanna see if anyone can guess what happened on each date. I'll give you a hint, two dates are from fiction, and the other two are from the real world. Well enjoy and I'll catch ya'll next time!

Steal Your Heart EP:

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Gear Used:
Kiesel Bolt
Fractal Audio AX8
Neural DSP Archetype: Cory Wong
Squier Jaguar Bass
Breville Infuser Espresso Machine
Indaba Coffee Ethiopian Whole Bean Coffee
Logic Pro X
Edited in Final Cut Pro

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